Dengue- Know The Causes, Symptoms, And Ways To Treat It

With monsoon hitting the country for the past three months, it also comes with one of its inevitable health threats- Dengue. It is a fever which affects millions worldwide, particularly in tropical and subtropical regions like India. Climate, urbanisation, and inadequate mosquito control contribute to its rapid spread.
Understanding its causes, recognising symptoms, and knowing how to treat it is very important. This blog will discuss all about dengue, its causes, symptoms, and ways to treat it. 

What is Dengue?
Dengue fever is caused by the dengue virus, transmitted primarily by the Aedes mosquito. With multiple dengue virus strains (serotypes), a person can experience dengue more than once, each infection potentially more severe.

Causes of Dengue
Here are major causes of dengue:

  • Mosquito Bite – Dengue is commonly transmitted by the bite of infected mosquitoes.
  • Stagnant Water Breeding – During monsoon, mosquitoes breed in stagnant water found in containers, flower pots, tires, and open vessels.
  • Infected Person’s Bite – When a mosquito bites an already infected person, it becomes a carrier of the virus.
  • Transmission Chain – The virus spreads to others through mosquito bites, creating a cycle of dengue transmission.

Common Symptoms of Dengue
Below are the common symptoms of dengue:

  • High fever
  • Severe headache
  • Joint and muscle pain
  • Skin rash
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Fatigue
  • Pain behind the eyes
  • Swollen lymph nodes

Note: Symptoms can range from person to person, it is recommended to consult your medical expert for diagnosis. 

Treatment of Dengue
Below are the ways dengue can be treated: 

  • Hydration: Drink fluids like water, oral rehydration solutions (ORS), and fresh fruit juices to prevent dehydration caused by fever and sweating.
  • Rest: Adequate rest is essential for recovery. Avoid excessive physical activity to conserve energy and aid the immune system.
  • Paracetamol: Take paracetamol under medical supervision to manage fever and reduce pain.
  • Platelet Monitoring: Regularly check platelet levels through blood tests. If platelet counts drop significantly, consult a doctor immediately.
  • Seek Medical Care: Consult a healthcare professional as soon as symptoms appear. Early diagnosis and timely medical attention can prevent complications.
  • Restoring Blood Pressure: Intravenous fluids help maintain blood pressure, preventing dengue shock syndrome.
  • Healthy Diet: Consume a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals to support the immune system’s fight against the virus.

Understanding dengue’s causes, identifying symptoms, and knowing how to treat it are vital for prevention and management. As dengue continues to threaten populations globally, staying informed, practicing preventive measures, and seeking medical attention promptly are the keys to a healthier future.


  1. Is dengue contagious?
    Majorly dengue spreads through mosquitoes, not person-to-person contact. It is important to clean standing water in roads, water coolers, and anywhere near the house.
  2. What are warning signs of severe dengue?
    Severe symptoms include persistent vomiting, bleeding, severe abdominal pain, and difficulty breathing.
  3. Can I prevent dengue at home?
    Eliminate mosquito breeding sites, use bed nets, and apply repellents to reduce risk of dengue transmission.
  4. Can herbal remedies cure dengue?
    No, there’s no proven herbal cure for dengue. Medical care, hydration, etc, are essential for recovery.
  5. Can I get dengue again after recovering?
    Yes, recovering from one strain doesn’t provide immunity against other strains. Sequential infections may occur, possibly increasing disease severity.
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