An Insight Into Gluten Allergy
You must have heard the term ‘Gluten’ several times, right? So what exactly is gluten and is it for everyone? We will answer all your questions in this article. Gluten is a protein that is majorly found in a number of grains such as wheat, and barley, including food such as pasta, bread, etc. So how can a protein be allergic to your body? The answer to this is our bodies produce antibodies to proteins found in food containing gluten.
Wheat allergy, non-celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS), and celiac disease all include a negative reaction to gluten.
Celiac disease is a disease of the small intestine that is developed due to gluten over time. It can be triggered across the lifespan of a person. The symptoms may include diarrhea, weight loss, fatigue, anemia, neurological disorders, skin rashes, and cancer.
While NCGS is a syndrome to sympotomatic response to gluten ingestion without evidence of celiac disease. In the case of NCGS, you can observe signs such as a foggy mind, or feeling sluggish or tired.
Those who are diagnosed with celiac disease need to permanently avoid any form of gluten in their diets. Getting help from a medical expert is highly recommended. On the other hand, wheat allergy is an allergic reaction to wheat proteins, which can have potentially fatal side effects.
How to know if you are allergic to gluten?
So, how to know if you are allergic to gluten? Well, these are the most common symptoms of gluten allergy-
- Swelling in the mouth or in the throat
- Bloating
- Abdominal pain
- Skin rashes and itching
- Shortness of breath
- Diarrhea
- Vomiting
What foods to avoid that have gluten?
Here’s a list of foods that contain gluten and must be avoided-
- Grains like wheat, barley, rye,
- Baked food such as bread, biscuits, buns, pancakes, cookies, etc
- Pasta
- Beer
- Processed food
How can you treat your gluten allergy?
Although there is no proper cure for gluten allergy you can take care of your allergy by avoiding the above-mentioned food and start taking a gluten-free diet. A majority of people find symptom relief by avoiding gluten in their diet. Yes, the best way to treat your gluten allergy is to start taking food that does not contain gluten.
Let’s give you a quick list of some of these foods-
- Fresh fruits and vegetables
- Beans, legumes, and nuts in their natural forms
- Eggs
- Lean meats, and fish
- Low-fat dairy products
- Buckwheat
- Corn
- Flax seeds
- Millet
- Quinoa
- Soy
Bottom line
If you are suffering from a gluten allergy or have a gluten intolerance, avoiding gluten is the best answer. When you experience gluten intolerance or allergies, you might feel the after-effects in the form of feeling exhausted, or bloated. Thankfully, you have the right food that does not contain gluten and can help you fight gluten. To avoid any potential health hazards, make sure your decision to avoid gluten is assisted by a medical professional. Consult a doctor before for better assistance.
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